Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New better graphics card messing up my window medium center when watching and copy hd programs how to fix

I get a new graphics card the 8600gt so games would look better but in a minute when i try to watch or account hd programs on my pc it go black and you can't see it. Regular tv is fine but hd always messes up it worked fine b4 on my crappy graphics card how can i fix this do i involve to change some settings on my card or what. It kinda make the extra money i spent to get the notebook with cable inputs worthless since in a minute it doesn't work. What can I do?

New better graphics card messing up my window medium center when watching and copy hd programs how to fix

first thing i would do is step to Nvidia.com and download the newest video card drivers.

Defrag your concrete drive.

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