Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Need Zoom PCI Cable Modem drivers for WinXP or Vista - not the .exe from the website, but the .inf. Help!?

I've be using the Zoom PCI Cable Modem (model 5001) for several years now. I lately did a mjor upgrade of my computer including Vista. Unfortunately, the manufacturer individual has drivers up to WinXP, and one and only as an .exe file. What I want are the .inf driver files contained in the .exe. When the .exe unpacks, it creates files call data1.cab and data2.hackney carriage. However, I can't look into these files with WinZip or WinRar. Please facilitate me with this as the factory owner (Zoom) won't. Thanks.

Need Zoom PCI Cable Modem drivers for WinXP or Vista - not the .exe from the website, but the .inf. Help!?

It's possible the drivers are only for XP and not for Vista- if the entrepreneur doesn't support Vista, you need a diifferent cable modem.

If you own a laptop or 2nd machine next to XP, you could try try installing the modem there, and manually copying the .inf record onto removable media after installation have completed- but that's not likely to work since other files would almost no problem be needed to finish the device installation.

The answers post by the user, for information only, RunQA.com does not guarantee the right.

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