Friday, September 17, 2010

My extrenal rugged drive suddenly won't show as a drive memo on My Computer. Any thinking why and what to do?

It's a 160GB Westren Digital drive that have always workd OK contained by the past. It's used for back-ups. Now when I turn it on the computer recognises it (arrow at bottom of screen) but the drive doesn't appear surrounded by My Computer, so i can't drop files into it. Any ideas? Thanks.

My extrenal rugged drive suddenly won't show as a drive memo on My Computer. Any thinking why and what to do?

Something to check -if you enjoy another device taking the same drive notification that the WD external used to be assigned, or already have deeply of drive letters used (mapped drives, other external devices) you may inevitability to go into manage/disk Management and assign a drive message in directive to be able to access it.
Start>My Computer. Right Click it and choose Manage.

Go to Device Manager and click on Disk Drive. See if it's programmed. If it is, uninstall it, reboot and see if it'll show then.

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