Wednesday, September 15, 2010

MTP Device?

My computer keep comming up with for a time yellow sign surrounded by the corner that says FOUND NEW HARDWARE: MTP device but. I havn't plugged anything contained by and It keeps comming up. I dont even know what an MTP device is. How do I catch rid of the sign ?

MTP Device?

Go to Control Panel > Taskbar & Start Menu.

Then on the Taskbar menu hit Customize That will show you the current items in your taskbar. You should own one that says <no title> - specifically the MTP Device. Click on the Hide when inactive and change it to Always hide.

This should enjoy no affect on you being competent to put music on your device. Hope this helps, and upright luck with everything!

The answers post by the user, for information solitary, does not guarantee the right.

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