Friday, September 17, 2010

My memory isn't conventional...please assist beside suggestions?

I installed some extra memory surrounded by an old compaq and on startup single 16.71mg of 160.00 mg is showing available for physical memory. I cannot find updates for this model anywhere. Does anyone have any suggestions? I thought just about trying to find a processor update, but unsure of myself on that and I'm not sure if there's anything else I can try. I have window xp and when I tried another hard drive near windows 98 on it everythings fine near the memory. I did get a memory error message the first boot up next to this xp.

My memory isn't conventional...please assist beside suggestions?

After a computer gets so infirm the benefits of upgrading become too expensive but we still slog it out with not easy headedness

Try Crucial memory testing and they should backing you in decide the time and place for burial

Memory upgrades from - Memory Calculator

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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