Friday, September 17, 2010

My AGP card is not accepting any driver?

I own a ATI radeon 9000 AGP. When I try to install any driver it cannot complete. In stead saysINF error device could not found. Microsoft has a driver similar to this agp but sometimes it create problem What can I do?

My AGP card is not accepting any driver?

Have you noted the error code number? Go to device governor and check the display adapter. It would tell you what's wrong. Take register of the error code number and perhaps you could be in motion to where it would desribe the error and suggest a remedy.
device could not be found..try reseating the card, after go into control panel, system, hardware tab, device checker. look for display adapter and see what is there. double click it and see if it is working properly. you may enjoy a bad video card.
Make sure you are installing the correct driver and not the one for ATI Radeon Mobility 9000 w/c is for laptops.
You enjoy to use the ati drivers. Try resetting the card and then install the drivers.

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