Friday, September 17, 2010

My external rock-hard drive be accidentally ejected and I lost deeply of a movie I be working on. What do I do?

Although I recovered the movie, it be all messed up and the clips be in different places. What happen and why did it mess up the movie?

My external rock-hard drive be accidentally ejected and I lost deeply of a movie I be working on. What do I do?

I assume that the movie file that you be working on, at the time, was on that external thorny drive and it disconnected While you had the database open and be working on it.

I suspect that you had made some change to the video, but you didn't save them past it disconnected. If it saved for you, automatically, it may enjoy some of the changes you made but not adjectives, or even some of the 'I'll put this here for a moment', type actions you did.

Otherwise, it should show the record was it be before you started editing. If, in opposition, the 'messed up' bits are things you're sure you didn't do... it's possible the file stir corrupted. If so, you're lucky you can open it at adjectives. Maybe you can edit it put money on into shape?

Hopefully you still have your source profile on your digital camcorder or wherever else you obtain the video from.

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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