Friday, September 17, 2010

My computer have a Universal AGP slot (no knob within the middle). What type of slot is it? AGP 1x slot, 2X, 4X?

My computer is a Sony Vaio (version PCV-RX753). The motherboard is P4S266-VX.

I want to pick up a untried video card for it, but want to know the AGP type I should get and hold heard that some types won't be compatible near this motherboard

My computer have a Universal AGP slot (no knob within the middle). What type of slot is it? AGP 1x slot, 2X, 4X?

Wow, that's a very have find:

With the sis650 chipset usually a x1/x2/x4 agp card will work.

Really not much info about that board, pretty antiquated.

Safe bet is taking it to a local computer store and see if they can figure it out.

The answers post by the user, for information just, does not guarantee the right.

home search a scam

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